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2021 Tributes

The following individuals, organizations and units are honored for their service to our country and/or their contributions to Cause programs, ensuring that thousands of wounded service members and their hardworking caregivers are able to continue receiving these important services. For tributes from previous years, please click on the links at the bottom of the page.


In Memory of Captain J. Phillip (Jack) London, U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1959. As a role model, mentor and friend, Jack provided unsurpassed guidance and support. As a patriot, he was unwavering in devotion to our nation. And as a man of high character, he was a steadfast champion of ethics and integrity. He was and is a shining example to us all.- Capers McDonald

In memory of Dr. J. Phillip (Jack) London of CACI International. The ManTech family extends our thoughts and prayers to Jack's wife Jennifer, his children and the entire CACI family. Jack was a titan of the federal contracting industry. HIs vision, patriotism and dedication to the work of our nation was without equal. He will be greatly missed but his legacy continues.- George J. Pedersen, ManTech Co-Founder & Chairman Emeritus and Kevin M. Phillips, ManTech Chairman, President & CEO

In loving memory of our dear Cause supporter- Jack London. Without his support, knowledge and connections, we doubt we would have grown into the great charity we are.- Ed & Mary Sullivan

In loving memory of a dear friend and patriot.- Lillian Brannon

In memory of CACI Chairman of the Board, Dr. Jack London.- Kenneth Franklin

In memory of Dr. Jack London.- William Wallace

In memory of Dr. J. Phillip (Jack) London.- Sandra Wilson

In memory and appreciation of Dr. Jack London.- Marney & Mark Michalowski and Family

In memory of J. Phillip ("Jack") London.- Stephen Nauheim

In loving memory of Uncle Jack London.- Isabelle & Winston Seesan

In memoriam of Jack London.- Mark Larey

In memory of a truly great man and dedicated husband and father.- Sharon K. Weiss

In memory of Jack London.- Fred & Maria Cornelius

In memory of Jack London.- National Contract Management Association

In honor of Jack London who dedicated his life to the service of others.- Robert Scales

In memory of Jack London and in recognition of how much Cause meant to him and your great mission.- Lowell & Celia Jacoby 


Paige Kellogg
Honoring her birthday.
By Priscilla Maxwell 

Historical Tributes