Eagle Scout Candidate Alex Wells of Clifton, VA, collects items and funds to support Chaplain’s Closet at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.
Fairfax, VA ( June 18, 2018) – While many Boy Scouts working toward the Eagle Scout Rank concentrate their efforts on the local community, Alex Wells of Clifton, Virginia, chose a project to benefit the military community overseas. He contacted Comfort for America’s Uniformed Services (Cause) to find out how to help service members in military hospitals in Germany.
“As the son of a retired Army officer, I know how difficult it can be to see a loved one be deployed overseas,” said Alex. “I but can only imagine how stressful it would be to have a family member in need of medical attention so far from home.”
Through Cause, Alex discovered he could help the Chaplain’s Closet Program at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. The Chaplain’s Closet began in the aftermath of 9/11 to provide essential clothing, toiletry items, and comfort items to service members at the Regional Military Hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. Most injuries and casualties from the Middle Eastern Theater are evacuated to Landstuhl before being flown stateside for further treatment. Service members often arrive at the hospital with nothing more than the uniform on their backs so clothing and comfort items provide immediate relief and assistance. There is a full-time Chaplain’s division in the Hospital that administers the program and assesses the need on an ongoing basis. In recent years, the Closet has also provided comfort items to ill and injured service members and their families receiving treatment at the Hospital.
Alex coordinated with the Chaplain on a list of needed items and then rallied his Boy Scout Troop, several local churches, and the Clifton community to collect nearly $4,000 worth of clothing, hygiene and comfort items for the closet! In June, he met with his Troop members to pack up ten large boxes for shipment overseas. The Weisbaden Community and Spouses Club in Germany (a club for military families) provided additional funds to ship the boxes through the US Postal system.
“It is truly an honor to be able to help those who serve our nation,” said Alex. “The entire experience is something that I will remember for a long time.”
Alex’s service project benefitting military members overseas will earn him the coveted Eagle Scout Rank. He recently graduated from Centreville High School and will be attending Dartmouth College in the Fall.
If you would like more information about this topic or to schedule an interview, please call Cause at 571-465-6048 or e-mail trudacille@cause-usa.org.